Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Just Me!

I have been writing about my kids and now i guess i need to actually write about me. Well, here it goes. I am an only child and the oldest grandchild on both sides. That sums it up! Nah just kidding! Anyway, after years and years of trying to have a baby and several miscarriages later we finally had Dalton in 1997. I was excited and scared all at once. I remember crying all the way home to Wrens thinking how in the world can we afford this and what about my great job?! Nothing like thinking of yourself in a time like that! My pregnancy was easy and i carried him to term. The delivery was rough. I pushed for hours and the pain medicine didn't work. Finally! A healthy boy weighing 7 lbs 9 oz. It didn't seem like no time and here comes Evan! Bad pregnancy and delivery. Two days after having Evan, i was having trouble breathing and i was swelling terribly. I had gained 25 pounds in two weeks. You are supposed to loose weight after childbirth not gain it! Brian came home from work one night and i was passed out on the kitchen floor. I don't know how long i had been there. He called 911 and when i woke up i was at the hospital. I had test after test ran and no one could figure out what was wrong. Later that night i remember waking up to a bunch of people standing over me and i honestly thought that i had died. My doctor told me that i had cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure. I was an old woman in 2000. I was 27! My first thought was, "what about my kids?" I had a newborn and a 2 year old at home that needed me. I was very sick and stayed in the hospital the first time for almost a month. In August of that year, the cardiologist that was treating me sort-of well,, gave up on me and told me to make my arrangements and hope for the best. I shook his hand and walked out!! I was not going to give up! I had to raise my kids!! A couple of months later i started going to Emory in Atlanta and received wonderful care. It was hard making that trip 3 times a month by yourself with small kids! Most of the time my dear friend Cheryl would go with me and my mother-in-law kept the babies. They only gave me 3-5 years and i just celebrated my 9 year anniversary!!! God is GOOD!! I take medicine and keep waiting on the rest of my miracle! I decided to have Lap band surgery in August of last year. I needed to get this weight off since it's so bad for my heart! It's coming off very very slowly! I hope to be at my goal weight by next summer!! Remember me in High School... that's the goal!! HAHAH! Thank goodness for plastic surgery! I will need it!! Anyway, that sums up most of my last 9 years. Some things i will get to later. I have great kids, great friends, and a super family!! God Bless!


From time to time we are all guilty of throwing tantrums! Well, today is my day! I don't want to just put on my big-girl panties and be happy.. i want to throw down!! The weather here has been nice and the kids have been outside a lot after school. I have actually had someone tell me that i need to make my kids stay in and read instead of enjoying the sunshine! They complete their homework as soon as they come in, have a snack and do their chores and after that.. we go with the flow of the day. It's not like they see the light of day at school except when they are coming in or going home! Kids need that sunshine!!! It's good for their health and it gives them time to burn some of that pent up energy! I am so tired of someone telling me how i should raise my kids! I think that i am doing a great job! For the most part my kids are normal little boys with dirty hands and energy that every little boy should have. Baseball season is upon us and i know that Evan and hopefully Dalton will play and someone person told me that it's not like they are making money playing so why sign them up?! Well, it's like this! I believe that if you keep your kids involved with a activity or 2, they will grow up to hopefully not abuse drugs or alcohol. It's just my way of thinking! We live in a small town! Not a whole lot to do or see so why not play ball. They may not be making money playing, but it's great to see their faces light up when they hit a double, catch a fly ball or just joke with their friends! I need to stop before i say something ugly!! Sorry for the rant, just needed to vent! Let your kids play sports and you can read to them at night when they are laying in bed! It beats them being on the Internet to all hours of the night! And, i know where my kids are at all times!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Another Manic Monday!!

Well, it's Monday...again. The weather was beautiful this weekend and i had a house full of kids which i just love and things were looking good. Then, the other shoe drops. This mess with Dalton is taking on toll on everyone! He will have a good day and then BAM, he feels bad for a couple of days. Thursday and Friday of last week he felt crummy and i took him the see Dr. Brandy and we tested for strep and even though it was negative she felt that since i have cardiomyopathy and i had some little ones with a baby sister at home, that she needed to treat him for it anyway. Don't you love it when you have a great doctor!! Anyway, Saturday morning all of the boys and i got up and ran to Matthews for a church sponsered yard sale and then went to play at the park. Dalton played for about 15 minutes and then came to sit with me. He said "Mom, i am just so tired!" We stayed for another 30 minutes or so to let the Jonah enjoy the slide and then we went home and had lunch. Dalton said that he wasn't really hungry and went to his room. I cleaned up the kitchen and went to check on him. He was sleeping away. Jonah kept going in there and kept tapping his cast and tried hard to get him to get up and play. Finally that sweet baby laid his passie on the nightstand and walked out. I couldn't help but laugh!! Jonah went down for his nap and Noah and Evan played. Noah did his quiet time and he was so sweet too when he came in to check with me about the nap agreement. I tell him that he doesn't have to sleep just rest and then he can play as much as he wants too. He checks with me atleast 4 times and i firmly believe that he will be a great business man oneday! That kid can convience you of anything!!! Gotta love them!!! Dalton slept for 2 hours and came into the den wth the passie in his hand and was like... you got to be kidding me. How old am i again!!! After everyone was up and moving we went to some friends house and the boys played baseball and basketball. We went on the golf cart and discovered that like last time, Jonah wanted no part of the moving vehicle! He hated the 4-wheeler and now the golf cart too. After the second trip around the 6 acres we were on, he was hooked!! He would come and get me and say "go ride Amy"!! We went to see the cows and donkey's and we had a great time!! Finally, it was time for Heather and Andrew to come and get them and i was reallly sad to see them go. I really appreciate Heather letting me borrow them! I missed so much of when my were little since i was so sick and now i hate to miss a minute of anything! I love all three of those babies like they are mine! My kids think of them as siblings too! I love to watch all of them run through the field and push each other on the swings! Last night i was talking to my Aunt Bonnie and she was asking how Dalton was and i was going over everything with her and then he came into the den crying! I asked him what was wrong and he said that he just hurt all over and couldn't get comfortable. I gave him some Motrin and finally around 2:30 he was asleep. I ended up putting him in the bed with me. He tossed and turned and cried in his sleep all night. Poor fella didn't look very rested this morning but we had to go to school anyway. I keep waiting on the phone to ring saying that i need to come and get him. 1:00, so far so good. There has got to be something that we are overlooking with Dalton's health. He has been tested for everything under the sun and thankfully it has all been negative. It is so hard to look at your child and know that they just feel terrible. Dalton was a full term baby and has been sick since he was 10 days old. Evan on the other hand was 8 weeks early and been extremely healthy!! Praise the Lord!! Things will get back to normal around here sometime and then i will be running to the ballfield and cleaning up the kitchen after late dinners! My family and i really appreciate all of the prayers that have gone out on our behalf. We feel them constantly. A very good friend of mine prayed over Dalton saturday morning and i could see the love of Jesus on her face while she prayed! She told me that i needed to believe that things were going to be better. Not in my time, but in the Lord's time. That is my biggest problem. When i want something done, i want it done right then. I hate to wait! Miracles happen everyday all around us. Sometimes we are too busy to notice them and we often forget the thank God when they do happen. I try to start my day by saying Praise the Lord, but lately i have started my days with, i wonder how this day is going to be. I feel like i am fighting a loosing battle. A battle that is not only happening physically but mentallly as well. I know that there are so many children that are sick and dying and i can't imagine what those parents are dealing with. Whether you have children, young or old can you imagine how it must feel to spend your days watching your child grow sicker? You see it on T.V. and read about it all of the time, but until you walk in someone else's shoes, you haven't a clue. I do thank God daily that we are all safe and healthy. We all should. Things here could be a lot different and you never know day to day how one incident can change your entire life. Right now it is so quiet in my house. All is hear is the sound of Georgia (our BIG dog) snoring, pretty soon all i will hear are the boys arguing or playing games and doors slamming as they head outside! These are the sounds that remind me that i am a mom and i need to just sit back and let them be little! God Bless!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

We had a blessing!!!

Since last Wednesday, my oldest son Dalton has been complaining of being tired and not eating very well. After getting another cast on Wednesday of last week, i called his doctor and they told me to bring him in Thursday morning after i dropped Evan off at school. So we headed over to Dr. Brandy's office and she drew a lot of blood and then Dalton heard the bad news. It was time for his 6th grade shots. Even though he is just in 5th grade, we figured that while we were there.. why not!!! You have to get 6 shots and Dalton has been through alot of sticks and pricks in his short life so he was determined to be brave. Well, by shot number 3 he was in tears. Big tears!!! He said that he was going to warn other kids about the dangers of going into the 6th grade. When it was finally over, he said "that wasn't so bad". Ha! Yeah right!! A few years ago, Dalton developed some white sores in his mouth and we had 2 biopsy's and with each we got a different diagnoses. Every time he has a flare up of these things he gets really tired and starts loosing weight. We have been going on the good road until now. It's started again. So, we have been tested for everything under the sun. Usually when we have labs drawn we have the results the next day. Not this time. I had to wait until Tuesday to get them. That was the longest 5 days of my life. I couldn't get the thought out of my head that my child might have cancer or lupus or something else that I couldn't fix!!! That is my job!!! I have to kiss away anything bad that happens!! To me, that is how all moms feel. His white counts have been through the roof lately but according to the labs, everything is normal! It's amazing what the power of prayer can do. I believe that if you call the person by name they will be healed. If you haven't tried it, give it a whirl!! He is still laying around and wanting to sleep all of the time. We are going to have another biopsy soon and maybe we can get some answers from that! Keep praying and we will all see more great things!! God Bless!