Monday, July 13, 2009

Yeah, it's been awhile!

I can't believe that it's been since March that i have taken the time to write. Once i finally got the hang of this, i realized i enjoy it. It's not like i just slacked off though, i was actually busy doing stuff that needed to be done. Instead of taking the time to sit down and write about my life, i decided to live it. The boys were playing baseball every day and night so i didn't want to miss that to sit and write. Then, the end of school was coming and we were busy doing honors day and beta club and i didn't want to miss that to sit and write and of course school let out and summer began!! Instead of making a daily or every couple of days entry, i did what i was supposed to be doing as a mom and wife. There are days when the laundry sits in the basket longer than it should and the dishwasher is not empty and refilled, but how many days of summer is wasted on that!! I decided that no matter what i was going to have as much time with kids as possible. It's easy to schedule doctor's appointments, trips to the dentist and haircuts but what about making time to see that little stuff that happens. Like Evan for instance, the other day he cut the grass on the riding mower for the first time! He was thrilled! Now i know what we are all thinking, yeah this kid won't be so thrilled in 4 years when it becomes one of his duties around the house! But instead of telling him no again when he asked, i showed him how to do and put it in low gear. He only made a couple of cuts but the smile on his face when he called his dad to tell him he did it, that was just one of those moments!!
Lately, I have been thinking alot about my grandmothers. Even though they are young at heart, the day will come when they are called home to be with Jesus. I can't imagine not being able to hit 6 and talk on my cell and not hear Nanny say hello or press 7 and talk and get Granny telling me to hold on while she turns the t.v. down. haha! Isn't that her! The reason the boys visit with them and all is because of the memories i want them to have. Not just for my grandmothers, but honestly for my kids! That may sound weird! Think about it. Can you close your eyes and remember something funny your great-grandmother did. Or can you remember the way they talked. You know, the funny way they say or said things. Take for instance my Nanny. She is diabetic and instead of saying blood sugar, she says sugar blood. That always cracks me up for some reason. And of course my Granny. She can come up with stuff! She accidently inverted her sayings. Like my Grandpa talked about being on the farm when he was little and his father told him that when pigs started shaking their heads and having trouble with their ears, you should well... pee in them!! haha !!! My aunt told me that story the other night and i have laughed about that!!! Granny was telling it and said that the pig was supposed to you know... in their ears! That is something i will never forget.
Now that i am writing again, instead of trying to be politically correct all of the time or worry about stepping on toes (even though some people have no trouble STOMPING on others) i have some things that i really want to hash out! Clear my head and the air! There will be no rhyme or reason to the posts, just random thoughts probably! God is working in my house and shaking things around! It should be interesting what comes from these hands! Have a blessed day!