Friday, February 20, 2009

Where do i start??

As i sit here in my living room in front of the roaring fire, i couldn't help but think about the little lady down the road that Brian and i are taking care of this weekend. Her son and wife are out of town and asked if we would look in on her from time to time. She is a young 84 year old lady that still has her "spunk". I have known her for almost 18 years. My husband Brian has known her all of his life. I went down to her house earlier to visit and we were talking about this and that and she said something that i will never forget. She said that when you are married to someone, no matter how young or old you are, you should always take care of them since they are the ones that will eventually wipe your behind when you are in need! I couldn't help but laugh, but you know she's right. When you think about it.. they should include that in your marriage vows. For better or worse, until you can't make it to the bathroom on your own. I think that those words would really stick with you over the years. Like i said in the last tidbit i wrote on here, i might not always be correct with the things that i say, but you will here something interesting. Right now my husband is gone on a rescue call in town. He is a volunteer fireman and i always worry when he leaves, not just about his safety but i worry about how a tragedy would effect my kids. They are wonderful boys ages 11 and very soon to be 9. My youngest son wants to be a fireman when he grows up and the other kid wants to be a vet. Maybe by the time Evan is a grown up fireman, the goverment will pay them the money that they deserve. It's amazing, you can dribble a round ball, or you can hit home runs and make a great living or you can run into burning buildings and crawl into cars and don't make squat! I just don't understand! Well, later i will give more information about the family life and catch everyone up. I sound as if i have a fan club or something when in truth it's me and a laptop! ha ha! Remember tonight to pray for others in need! God Bless.

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