Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Just Me!

I have been writing about my kids and now i guess i need to actually write about me. Well, here it goes. I am an only child and the oldest grandchild on both sides. That sums it up! Nah just kidding! Anyway, after years and years of trying to have a baby and several miscarriages later we finally had Dalton in 1997. I was excited and scared all at once. I remember crying all the way home to Wrens thinking how in the world can we afford this and what about my great job?! Nothing like thinking of yourself in a time like that! My pregnancy was easy and i carried him to term. The delivery was rough. I pushed for hours and the pain medicine didn't work. Finally! A healthy boy weighing 7 lbs 9 oz. It didn't seem like no time and here comes Evan! Bad pregnancy and delivery. Two days after having Evan, i was having trouble breathing and i was swelling terribly. I had gained 25 pounds in two weeks. You are supposed to loose weight after childbirth not gain it! Brian came home from work one night and i was passed out on the kitchen floor. I don't know how long i had been there. He called 911 and when i woke up i was at the hospital. I had test after test ran and no one could figure out what was wrong. Later that night i remember waking up to a bunch of people standing over me and i honestly thought that i had died. My doctor told me that i had cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure. I was an old woman in 2000. I was 27! My first thought was, "what about my kids?" I had a newborn and a 2 year old at home that needed me. I was very sick and stayed in the hospital the first time for almost a month. In August of that year, the cardiologist that was treating me sort-of well,, gave up on me and told me to make my arrangements and hope for the best. I shook his hand and walked out!! I was not going to give up! I had to raise my kids!! A couple of months later i started going to Emory in Atlanta and received wonderful care. It was hard making that trip 3 times a month by yourself with small kids! Most of the time my dear friend Cheryl would go with me and my mother-in-law kept the babies. They only gave me 3-5 years and i just celebrated my 9 year anniversary!!! God is GOOD!! I take medicine and keep waiting on the rest of my miracle! I decided to have Lap band surgery in August of last year. I needed to get this weight off since it's so bad for my heart! It's coming off very very slowly! I hope to be at my goal weight by next summer!! Remember me in High School... that's the goal!! HAHAH! Thank goodness for plastic surgery! I will need it!! Anyway, that sums up most of my last 9 years. Some things i will get to later. I have great kids, great friends, and a super family!! God Bless!

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